Easy check
Hold stamp against light and see the good quality coated European laid paper.
Genuine vs. Forgeries
Genuine sheet – setting 1a
Two different settings exist
All twelwe clichés are handengraved and different
1st set forgeries
Although twelwe clichés in a sheet only four clichés are different. Both mint and “postmarked” exist. Both imperf. and perf. exist. Forged covers exist, but seldom seen.
Hold stamp against light and see the good quality coated European laid paper.
2nd set forgeries
This forgery is not known in multiples. They are always “postmarked”.
Forged covers exist, but seldom seen.
Word TIBET is always placed too low in the tablet
3rd set forgeries
Although this forgery exists in multiples of up to 36 all stamps are from the same cliché. Fine distinct print on a poor quality yellowish wove paper.
Forgery set 3 was intended to sell at the stamp desks in American Department stores in the 1950’s.
A 4th set of forgeries are mentioned in Waterfall’s Handbook. However, these never reached the market in any quantities and are seldom seen. They actually tend to sell at higher prices than the originals.
Modern forgery
This forger really did his best to create a Tibetan rarity. He created things that never existed. This forgery, is contrary to other modern forgeries well designed and printed. However, all stamps are the same cliché and furthermore a genuine green 2 tranka stamp never existed. Nor exist tete-beches in genuine sheets either.
Thanks to Bo Olsson for images and analysis of Tibetan forgeries