1859-1880. Coat of Arms
Be careful for imperforate stamps which are trimmed cheaper later roulettes types

Genuine characteristics of the 1859 series

Genuine upper ornaments & border of zig-zig lines

Forged upper ornaments & border of zig-zig lines
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 1 Centime
Genuine vs. Forgeries

Photolithographic forgery
Illustration by Plácido Ramón de Torres: Album ilustrado de sellos de correo, Barcelona 1879. Torres sold illustrations to various dealers/forgers from 1864 onwards, as well as made forgeries himself.
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 2 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries

Forgery to the left – Genuine to the right
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 4 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries

Forgery to the left – Genuine to the right

1880. Coat of Arms. 5 Centimes
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 10 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries

Genuine to the left – Forgery to the right
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 12 1/2 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries
1865-1880. Coat of Arms. 20 Centimes
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 25 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries
1859-1880. Coat of Arms. 30 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgery
1859-1865. Coat of Arms. 37 1/2 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries

Closeup of Coat of Arms
Genuine to the left – Sperati to the right
1872-1876. Coat of Arms. 37 1/2 Centimes surcharged
Genuine vs. Forgery
1859-1865. Coat of Arms. 40 Centimes
Genuine vs. Forgeries
Thanks to perf12 for forgery analysis