Forged stamps of Ecuador


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  • 1-8. Coat of Arms issues of 1865-72. Rivadeneira forgery of the 4r (pictured on C331 of 1958): Jean Pierre Mangin, “Ecuador: A Forgery Authenticated By The Post Office”, Fakes Forgeries Experts journal, No. 3 (May 2000): 124,26. Five major forgeries of the 4r: Robert A. D’Elia, “Ecuador – The 1856 (sic) Four Reales – Part 2”, The Mainsheet, Vol. 11 (November 1985): 6-16, addendum at Vol. 15 (August 1990): 47,48. Two forgeries on plain, white paper and on quadrille paper and other forgeries of the ½r and 1r: John W. Funkhouser, “Studies On The First Issue Of Ecuadorian Postage Stamps”, Pan American Philatelist, Vol. 1, No. 5 (1955): 102-108, continued at No.6 (1955): 125-31, Errata at Nos.9-10 (1955): 167,68, at pp.5,6, part of a larger serialized article. Official imitation of the ½r and 1r on wove paper (1-5) and reprint of the 4r: Alumnus, “Notes on Reprints”, The Stamp Lover, Vol. 37 (August-September 1944): 27-29,35. Fraudulent postmarks on Reprints: L.N.& M. Williams, “Is it a Reprint?”, Stamp Review, Vol. 1 (October 1937): 21,22,35,36, more at Vol. 2 (January 1938): 20-22, at p.35. Reprints, Fournier and other and forgeries of the first issue on unsurfased paper (1-6): The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, pp.61,62 (Yvert 1 and 2,3 and 4). Forgeries of the ½r and 1r stamps, reprints, genuine and fraudulent postmarks: Reverend R.B. Earée, Album Weeds/ How to Detect Forged Stamps (Third Edition), Vol. 1, pp.347-49,51. Forgeries and reprints: J. Dorn (Publisher), The Forged Stamps of all Countries, pp.31,32. 1890 Reprints: Edward Denny Bacon, Reprints of Postal Adhesive Stamps And Their Characteristics, pp.35-37. Unofficial reprints, proofs of the ½r: Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • 9-11. Regular issue of 1872. Leo John Harris: “The Second Issue of The Republic of Ecuador”, The American Philatelic Congress Book 35 (1969): 111-22, at pp.120-22. John W. Funkhouser, “A Critique of Two Articles by Roberto Levi Castillo: The First and Second Issues of Ecuador”, American Philatelist, Vol. 76 (August 1963): 805-18. Roberto Levi-Castillo, “The Second Issue of Ecuador, 1872-1881”, The American Philatelic Congress Books 27 (1961): 207-12 (Funkhouser and Harris are critical of part of this article). Spiro Brothers forgeries: Varro Tyler, Linn’s Focus on Forgeries: A Guide to Forgeries of Common Stamps, Revised, Expanded Edition, p.88. 10: Frank Aretz, Know Your Stamps, Vol. I, p.17. Fournier forgeries of the ½r and rose 1p and faked postmark: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.62 (Yvert 5,7). Forgeries of the 1r and 1p values, genuine and fraudulent postmarks: Reverend R.B. Earée, Album Weeds/ How to Detect Forged Stamps (Third Edition), Vol. 1, pp.349-51. Spiro Brothers forgery of the 1p and fraudulent postmark: Paper LVI, Lowell Ragatz (editor), The Spud Papers/ An Illustrated Descriptive Catalog Of Early Philatelic Forgeries, pp.134,35. Remainders perforated by Bredemeyer: Varro E. Tyler, Philatelic Forgers: Their Lives and Works, Revised Edition, pp.6,7. J. Dorn (Publisher), The Forged Stamps of all Countries, pp.32,33.
  • 18. 10c on 50c, 1883. Surcharge forged by de Thuin: James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, p.73.
  • Cancellations, lozenge type cancellations used until the late 1870s. Forgeries: Dr. George Maier, “Ecuador – The Lozenge Type Cancels”, The Mainsheet, Vol. 10 (April 1985): 36-40, reprinted in The Journal of the France & Colonies Philatelic Society (U.K.), Vol. 41 (June 1991): 66-72.
  • 31-38. 5c Provisionals, 1893. Genuine and forged surcharges: Robert A. D’Elia and Douglas B. Armitage, Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897, Chapter 9. Three de Thuin forged Type 2 surcharges (Scott 35-38): James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, pp.73,74; de Thuin may not have actually made any of these forgeries: Robert A. D’Elia, id.., p.171.
  • 39-62H. The 1894, 1895 1896 Regular Issues. Seebeck reprints: Robert A. D’Elia and Douglas B. Armitage, Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897, Chapters 4-7; John Fosbery, “Ecuador: The XIXth Century Issues”, The Mainsheet, Vol. 2 (March-May 1974): 61-72, at p.69. Seebeck reprints: John W. Funkhouser, “Ecuador, The 1894, 1895, and 1896 Seebeck Issues”, The Collectors Club Philatelist, Vol. 39 (November 1960): 267-79 (for correction see p.74 of Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897,above in this section); Don Glickstein, “Seebecks: The Scourge of Latin American Philately”, American Philatelist, Vol 99 (October 1985): 914.. Seebeck reprints and manuscript specimen cancellation: J.F. McGee, “The Seebeck Issues of Ecuador”, Stamps (U.S.), Vol. 39 (April 11, 1942): 56-59,66,67, and 79,80,102,103. Fraudulent postmarks on Seebecks: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, pp.62,63 (Yvert 30-40,69-75). Reprints of the 2c, 10c, 50c, 1s, 5s of the 1894 and 1895 issues and all stamps of the 1896 issues, the watermarked Postage Due stamps of 1896, and the Official issues of 1892-96: Scott Classic Catalog, note following No.62H.
  • 63-69. Liberal Party commemorative issue of 1896. Robert A. D’Elia and Douglas B. Armitage, Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897, Chapter 13; Hugh Watchorn, ”Latin America Notes” column, American Philatelist, Vol. 81 (November 1967): 161,62. N. Imperato forgeries: Varro Tyler, Linn’s Focus on Forgeries: A Guide to Forgeries of Common Stamps, Revised, Expanded Edition, pp.89,90. Lowell Ragatz, “Spying Eye” column, The S.P.A. Journal, Vol. 11 (December 1948): 192-94. Chas. S. Thompson, “Recent counterfeits”, Weekly Philatelic Gossip, Vol. 16 (February 20, 1932): 1534-36. Fournier forgeries and postmarks: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.63 (1896).
  • 74. 5c on 20c, 1896. Surcharge forged by de Thuin. James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, p.75.
  • 76. 10c on 50c, 1896. Surcharge forged by de Thuin. James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, p.73.
  • 77-119. Overprinted (date) issues of 1897. Genuine and forged overprints: Robert A. D’Elia and Douglas B. Armitage, Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897, Chapters 12 and 13. de Thuin forged “manuscript” and “cast-type” overprints: James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, pp.71,72; de Thuin may not have made most of these forgeries per D’Elia, id., p.235. The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.63 (1897).
  • 122-25. Liberal Party issue with “Correos Provisionales” overprint, 1897. Genuine overprint, unauthorized reprint of the overprint, forged overprint on genuine stamps and forged stamp and overprint: Robert A. D’Elia and Douglas B. Armitage, Ecuador: The Philately Of The Seebeck Era: January 1892 To Mid-July 1897, Chapter 13; Reprints: Reverend R.B. Earée, Album Weeds/ How to Detect Forged Stamps (Third Edition), Vol. 1, p.351; Edward Denny Bacon, Reprints of Postal Adhesive Stamps And Their Characteristics, p.37; Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • 160-65. Calderón issue, 1904. Remainder overprint: Scott Classic Specialized Catalog, boxed note following O106.
  • 289. National Assembly surcharges, 1928. Postal forgeries and fantasies, 1s on 7c brown, 40c on 5c: Brian Moorhouse, “Two Postal Forgeries from Ecuador“, The Mainsheet, Vol.7 (April 1982): 37.
  • C1-C6. Provisional airmail stamps of 1928, 1929. Alexander F. Newall, Airmail Stamps: Fakes & Forgeries, p.65 (Sanabria Airmail Catalogue 1-6). 50c and 3s stamps: H.G. Leslie Fletcher, Postal Forgeries of the World, p.23.
  • C8-C15. Plane over river Airmail stamps of 1929. Alexander F. Newall, Airmail Stamps: Fakes & Forgeries, p.63 (Sanabria Airmail Catalogue 13-20). The 10s stamp: Roberto Levi-Castillo, “Ecuador:The 10 Surcres Orange Red of 1929: Two Scarce Air Mail Stamps”, The Aero Philatelist Annals, Vol. 13 (January 1966): 67-76, at p.75.
  • C135. 40c on 5c Airmail stamp of 1945. H.G. Leslie Fletcher, Postal Forgeries of the World, p.23. Hugh Watchorn, ”Latin America Notes” column, American Philatelist, Vol. 80 (October 1966): 43. Forged surcharge: Hugh Watchorn, “Ecuador’s 1945 Air”, Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, Vol. 98 (May 18, 1962): 153. Robert Rickarby, “Via The Air Mails”, Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, Vol. 72 (January 24, 1949): 62.
  • C287. 1s on 5s Airmail stamp, 1955. Forged overprints. Dr. Roberto Levi-Castillo, “Counterfeit Overprints on an Air Mail Stamp of Ecuador”, The Airpost Journal, Vol. 34 (April 1963): 169.
  • J1-J7. Postage Due stamps of 1896. Seebeck reprints: Don Glickstein, “Seebecks: The Scourge of Latin American Philately”, American Philatelist, Vol 99 (October 1985): 914; Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue; The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.63. Reprints: Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • O1-O10. Official stamps of 1886 and 1887. William Bacon, “Phoney Philately”, Weekley Philatelic Gossip, Vol.64 (April 13, 1957): 215. de Thuin forged overprint: James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, p.75. Other fakes of the overprint: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.63.
    Seebecks: O20-O41. Official stamps of 1894, 1895, and watermarked Officials of 1896. Don Glickstein, “Seebecks: The Scourge of Latin American Philately”, American Philatelist, Vol 99 (October 1985): 914. Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • O42-O49. Official stamps, unwatermarked issue of 1896. Reprints: Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • O50-O91. Official stamps of 1897-98. James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, see 77-119 above.
  • —-. 1904 overprint. See 160-65, above.
  • O115-O126. Official stamps, 1916-17. de Thuin forged overprint. James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, pp.76,77.
  • O169-O177. Official stamps, 1925 issue. de Thuin forged overprint: James M. Chemi, James H. Beal and James T, De Voss (editors), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter, p.77.

Source: The Tedesco Index

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