Forged Stamps of Portuguese Guinea









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José Miranda Da Mota

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For further research

  • 1-7. Small Guiné on Colonial Crown key type for Cape Verde, 1881. Fournier (forged overprint and stamps), Oneglia (forged overprint and stamps) and another forgery (overprint and stamps), and genuine cancellation: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, p.79. Fournier forged overprint: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, p.282. For Fournier forgery of the basic stamp: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, pp.280,81 (Portuguese Colonies).
  • 8-21. Large Guiné on Colonial Crown key type for Cape Verde, 1881-85. The 1885 and 1905 reprints of overprints and base stamps, Fournier, Oneglia, Wondelgem?, Smeets and other forgeries, and clandestine errors: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, pp.9,77,78. 1886 Reprints: Edward Denny Bacon, Reprints of Postal Adhesive Stamps And Their Characteristics, pp.47,48; Dr. Franz Kalckhoff, An Illustrated Catalog of All Known Reprints Of Officially Issued Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Post Cards, Wrappers, Etc. And How To Detect Them, pp.51,52,14; Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • 22-31. D. Luiz, 1886. 1905 Reprints: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, p.9; F. de Mello, “Reprints of Portugal and Colonies”, American Philatelist, Vol.59 (July 1946): 883-87; Scott Classic Specialized Catalog.
  • 32-43. D. Carlos (Neto), 1893-94. Clandestine proofs: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, p.80. Tables of perforations of originals and reprints: Barefoot, Forgery & Reprint Guide 12, pp.11,12.
  • 67-89. Provisionals on Colonial D. Luiz and D. Carlos (Neto) stamps, 1902. See Portuguese Colonies General Issues, above. Reprints of the 400r on 5r: Scott Classic Specialized Catalog, Note after 76.
  • 140-79. Colonial Type Ceres, 1914-26. See Portuguese Colonies General Issues, Colonial type Ceres for forgeries of the 11⁄2c,10c,50c,2$,5$,10$,20$.
  • 195-97. 1920 surcharges on Colonial type Ceres. Forged surcharges: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, p.80.
  • Note re Clandestine prints. There are many of these in Portuguese philately. They are unofficial prints made from official plates, frequently proofs or overprint errors (which may be bogus). Davies calls them “clandestine” when they originate with employees in the Casa da Moeda or in other printers of Portuguese stamps. D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, “Forward”, p.v.
  • Colonial Crown Key Type. Fournier forgeries and false postmarks: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, pp.63-65. Fournier forgeries: S.S. Washburne, “Identifying Fournier Crown Forgeries”, Portu – Info, Vol. 17 (October 1982): 105-10. Spiro Brothers and Fournier forgeries, Fournier fraudulent postmarks, 1905 reprints, tables of perforations of 1885 and 1905 reprints and originals: Barefoot, Forgery & Reprint Guide 12: Portuguese Colonies, pp.3-5,7, tables: 9,10. Fournier forgeries and fraudulent postmarks, Sperati forgeries, 1895 Reprints and 1905 Reprints: Thomas B. Quinn, “Notes on Forgeries and Reprints of the Crown Issues of Portuguese Colonies”, American Philatelist, Vol. 79 (August 1966): 841-48. Spiro Brothers, Fournier and another forgery: Joseph M. Sousa, “Common Counterfeits And Their Detection”, American Philatelist, Vol. 79 (April 1966): 529-30. Fournier forgeries and fraudulent postmarks, other forgeries and reprints: The Serrane Guide/ Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926, pp.2,3 (Yvert 1-14) and pp.280,81 (Portuguese Colonies). The 1895 Reprints and 1905 Reprints: F. de Mello, “Reprints of Portugal and Colonies”, American Philatelist, Vol.59 (July 1946): 883-87. Characteristics of the genuine stamps: J. Dorn (Publisher), The Forged Stamps of all Countries, pp.179,80. H. Bynof-Smith, Forged Postage Stamps of Europe and Colonies, Vol. 2, pp.90,1.
  • Colonial Type Ceres. Three forgeries: D.J. Davies, Forged Postage Stamps of Portugal and Colonies, pp.60-62. Henry H. Gaylord III, “The Colonial Ceres Forgeries”, Portu – Info, Vol. 11 (October 1975): 26-32. Italian forgeries: João Morena Baptista letter to Editor, Portu – Info, Vol. 15 (January 1980): 52-56.

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