Forged Stamps of Dominica

“The Spud Papers”

by Atlee, Pemberton & Earée

1874. Victoria

1d, 6d & 1s


Typographed, on thin white wove paper, slightly surfaced. Watermark, crown and cc. All values from the same die. Perf. 12 1/2. The name-circle does not touch the value-label, T of POSTAGE very much dwarfed. Lower part of tiara divided into three compartments; with an oblong jewel in the first, over the forehead, a diamond-shaped one in center, and another oblong one in the third, over the ear. The lobe of the ear is very round and fat. The last pearl of the tiara, over the ear, leans towards the left. The portrait is shaded all over with very fine lines. The hair covers part of the eyebrow at the outer corner.


  • 1d., bright mauve
  • 6d., emerald-green
  • 1/., rich rose, with very slight nuance of blue.


Lithographed, on soft white wove paper, rather thick, and unsurfaced. No watermark. Perf. 13 (very badly), All values from the same stone. The name-circle runs into the value-label, below T of POSTAGE, T of POSTAGE is the same size as the other letters. No jewel over forehead, center jewel is blotched, and the one over the ear is very indistinct. The lobe of the ear is quite thin, and does not hang down. The last pearl of the tiara, over the ear, is upright. The forehead is unshaded, with a white patch at base of neck. The hair does not touch the eyebrow.


  • 1d., lilac
  • 6d., dark yellow-green
  • 1/., chalky rose

Printed in sheets of 25, 5 X 5, and postmarked with an obliteration somewhat like our own, but without numerals.

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